
Connal’s Great Glen Armed Forces Challenge

Fri 19th May 2017

Rangers Manager Pedro Caixinha and first team player James Tavernier today (Friday, 19 May 2017) helped Rangers Charity Foundation Director Connal Cochrane promote his ultimate forces challenge which he is undertaking to raise funds for the Foundation’s Armed Forces Partnership.

Connal will walk the length of the Great Glen – a gruelling 79 miles – in just two days as one continuous journey, all whilst carrying a heavy pack. He will be supported by a small team from the Royal Marines and Royal Navy who will be walking with him and providing his food during this challenge. Fans can help support the Foundation’s work with services-related charities by sponsoring Connal on his JustGiving page or via the Foundation website at

The challenge is raising funds for the Foundation’s Armed Forces Partnership, which is supporting four services-related charities – Erskine, Combat Stress, The Rifles Regimental Trust’s Care For Casualties appeal and Poppyscotland.  

James Tavernier commented: “I know Connal has taken on many different challenges for the Foundation in the past, but this sounds like the toughest yet! We’d all like to wish him the best of luck with his fundraising for some very worthwhile causes.”

Royal Marine Tommy Richardson, who will be accompanying Connal on the challenge, commented: “This is going to be a hoofing yomp [‘amazing long distance march’ in Royal Marines slang!] for some really good causes. There is no denying this will be tough for a civilian, but hopefully we can motivate and support Connal throughout the challenge.”

Connal added: “The Great Glen Way stretches from coast to coast across the Highlands, linking Fort William and Inverness. The challenge will take place over 3 and 4 June and the Royal Marines and the Royal Navy will be providing me with logistical support, motivation and company over the course of the two days, which is hugely appreciated.

“It’s going to be really tough, but I’ve been training hard for several months to make sure I am fit enough for the challenge. I’m hoping too that some supporters will join me on my training walk over part of the West Highland Way on 28 May and perhaps get sponsored and contribute to the great services-related charities we have been working with this season.”

Fans can support Connal’s challenge by joining him on a 12-mile training walk from Milngavie to Drymen (and back if they wish) on 28 May. Supporters taking part who raise over £100 in sponsorship would also become a True Blue Hero and would be invited into Ibrox to receive their True Blue Hero medal from a first team player at a special reception. 

Anyone interested in taking part in the training walk can contact the Foundation on 0141 580 8775, or e-mail  Connal’s JustGiving page can be found at –

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