Job Success for Andre After CashBack Course
Mon 15th November 2021
Andre Chuengwe had been struggling to secure employment before attending the Rangers Charity Foundation’s CashBack for Communities ‘Towards New Futures’ 8 week course in August and September. Using his new qualifications gained on this course, Andre landed his dream job working for the NHS.
Prior to August, Andre had been searching for jobs with no luck. Originally from Cameroon, he had a limited network living alone and was feeling stuck but unsure how to move forward.
His work coach told him about the CashBack for Communities course at Ibrox and he applied. The course offers tailored support to young people with experience of the criminal justice system looking for their next opportunity. Rangers Charity Foundation is the first Football Club or Foundation in the UK to have an in-house Youth Hub which means there is the added benefit of a fulltime work coach available to assist employability course participants.
At the course, Andre gained 3 formal qualifications: SQA Steps to Work Award (Level 4), First Aid Award (SCQF Level 6) and a Mental Health Award (SCQF Level 5) to add to his CV. He was then assisted in securing a successful interview with the NHS via the KickStart scheme
“The course helped me with my CV and my confidence. The work coach at Ibrox helped me to prepare for the interview and assisted with the online tests. This meant I was able to secure a new role with the NHS. If it wasn’t for the course I wouldn’t have secured a new role.”
At the end of the course, the candidates were invited to take part in a football match against Police Scotland who are a key partner. There they received course completion certificates and celebrated a win on the pitch together. Andre said:
“I really enjoyed the football match and I felt like part of the team, the support and help Rangers’ Charity has given me has help me so much.”
Andre has now started training as a porter for the NHS which will involve moving patients, getting medications and helping in the ward.
“The course and the role has made a massive difference to my life, I feel that I’m making a difference to people lives in the role. I can also save money now to go and visit my family in Cameroon.”
Asked what his advice would be for others in a similar situation, Andre said:
“I would advise people to speak to their social worker or work coach and get themselves onto this course. The people at the charity go the extra mile to help you to get to where you want to be.”
The next 8 week course starts on 17th January at Ibrox. If you are 16-24 and unemployed with current or previous criminal convictions, contact for more info.