
CashBack vs Police Scotland Football Match Returns

Fri 24th May 2024

CashBack v Police Scotland football teams

Graduates from the most recent block of the Foundation’s CashBack for Communities – Towards New Futures programme took on Police Scotland this week in a friendly football match as the CashBack Trophy fixture returned to Benburb FC in Govan.

CashBack v Police Scotland After an engrossing 90 minutes, Police Scotland won 8-5 victory, allowing them to retain their title. Afterwards, the participants enjoyed an award ceremony followed by food and refreshments.

The CashBack team, supported by Rangers Charity Foundation staff, was captained by Chloe Pert – who also scored a penalty for the team and received the ‘Player of the Match’ for her efforts.

The Foundation’s Cashback For Communities – Towards New Futures programme aims to re-engage people aged 16-24 with experience of the criminal justice system and help them move towards a more positive future including working, training or further education. It is delivered in partnership with four Scottish prisons, Govan Thriving Place and a range of key community and industry partners, including Police Scotland. CashBack v Police Scotland

Andy Gordon, Cashback Coordinator at the Rangers Charity Foundation said:

“The game isn’t about the result or the game at all, it highlights the importance of the relationship Police Scotland have with our young people, following 6 very informative, crucial workshops – which may I add, the young people love”.

“It also highlights the importance of breaking down barriers and regaining trust with one another”

“Throughout our Towards New Futures programme, the young participants have consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication, adaptability and personal growth. Their enthusiasm and commitment have not only met but often exceeded our expectations, showcasing the amazing potential they have looking ahead.”

“Every single participant has earned a minimum of 3 SQA Awards, First Aid and Mental Health (SCQF Level 6 & 5  respectively) allowing us to enhance their employability prospects and boosting their self-assurance.”

Police Constable Stephen Canale from the National Football Information Point Scotland said:

“The Pitchin In’ Programme provides an excellent opportunity for Police Scotland officers to engage with hard to reach members of our communities. The programme raises awareness of societal issues using the pull of football in an informal educational environment which in turn empowers the participants to make more informed choices.”

CashBack v Police ScotlandCashback participants also improve their physical and mental health as part of the programme by taking part in accredited fitness and coaching sessions and a mental health first aid course.

The initiative includes a variety of formal and industry recognised awards (including utilising the Foundation’s SQA Centre status), vocational work experience and the development of core skills which greatly enhances their employment prospects and CVs.

The Cashback programme is free and is run four days per week for eight weeks. Participants also have continued support after completion of the course to help them stay motivated and on track to achieving their goals.

CashBack for Communities is a unique Scottish Government programme which takes funds recovered through the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and invests them into community programmes, facilities and activities largely aimed at diverting young people at risk away from potentially criminal or anti-social behaviour.

The next free eight-week course starts on 5th August 2024. For more info contact

CashBack trophy

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