
A Bright Future For Chloe Thanks to Foundation’s Employability Course

Thu 25th July 2024

Chloe Armstrong can be found in and around Ibrox on matchdays but not just as a supporter. Chloe now works as a security guard thanks to the qualifications and support she gained on the Foundation’s CashBack for Communities – Towards New Futures programme.

The course aims to re-engage young people with current or past convictions and help them move towards a more positive future including working, volunteering or further education.

Speaking about her first experiences with the course Chloe said:

“I was in college studying childcare, but I didn’t finish that course and dropped out. I was involved with the Trauma Counsellor, Jane McLean, at the Foundation as well at the time and the staff here were saying that CashBack could be an option for me.”

“After a bit of thought I decided that this was something that could be good for me and signed up to come along. Knowing the staff before I came was really helpful. I was still a bit nervous but that’s just the way I am. I knew that everybody was going to be really supportive.”

The course is delivered within Ibrox Stadium and works in partnership with four Scottish prisons and Govan Thriving Place (as well as other referral routes) to target and support a variety of young people aged 16 – 24 from the local area and beyond.

Participants can improve their physical and mental health by taking part in accredited fitness and coaching sessions and a mental health first aid course. The initiative includes a variety of formal and industry recognised awards (including utilising the Foundation’s SQA Centre status), vocational work experience and the development of core skills which will greatly enhance their employment prospects and CVs.

Chloe explained how important completing qualifications on the programme was for her. She said:

“Getting qualifications was vital for me, especially qualifying in first aid because that’s been really helpful in my job just now. I also got my mental-health first aid qualification too.”

“Because I had those qualifications, I found it a lot easier to get into the line of work that I’m in now because I’m prepared for things and didn’t need to do these before I started.”

“CashBack has helped so much to get me to this point. I don’t think that I’d be where I am now and if I hadn’t come along to this programme, I definitely wouldn’t have the job I have now or I wouldn’t even have a job at all.”

Since graduating from the course, Chloe has been working with Garrion Security. She is often back working at Ibrox on matchdays but also comes in to speak with current participants about the CashBack programme. She added:

“Since finishing CashBack I’ve been linking in with Jamie [Community Programmes Manager] to come in and speak to some of the other groups as well.”

“It feels great to still be coming back to Ibrox to work even though I’m no longer on the course. It feels even better knowing that I’ve got a job I like, and this place helped me get there.”

The programme is free and is run four days per week for eight weeks. Participants will also have continued support after completion of the course to help them stay motivated and on track to achieving their goals.

Foundation Community Programmes Manager, Jamie Duncanson, also added:

“It’s been great to see Chloe continuing to thrive in her current job and it’s always a pleasure to have her back at the stadium talking to our groups.

“Chloe’s success shows what can be achieved when you put your mind to things and just how important gaining vocational qualifications can be for young people and it was our pleasure to help Chloe get things back on the right track and get her pointing towards a positive future.”

CashBack for Communities is a unique Scottish Government programme which takes funds recovered through the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and invests them into community programmes, facilities and activities largely aimed at diverting young people at risk away from potentially criminal or anti-social behaviour.

The next course starts 16th October 2024. Register your interest or email or for more information.

Some more of our CashBack stories:

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