Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity
We have enjoyed a special relationship with Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity since the Foundation was established in 2002.
We have donated cash, toys and equipment, supported Christmas activities and organised special visits and treats for the children.
The Rangers players take time out in December to visit the Royal Hospital For Children every year and staff, volunteers and Academy players help to hang the decorations in the hospital in the run up to the festive season.
This season, the Foundation donated £10,000 to Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity, which funded some of the wards’ Christmas decorations and contributed to the cost of a special piece of sleep monitoring equipment for the hospital.
In-patient polysomnography (PSG) sleep studies are an essential diagnostic tool to monitor and diagnose sleep disordered breathing in children, from new borns through to adolescents. Sleep disordered breathing can affect many children with varying diagnoses including premature babies and children with Down’s Sydrome, epilepsy and congenital heart disease.
To find the origin of the sleep disordered breathing, a PSG sleep study is performed which requires this specialist equipment. Last year, 260 in-patient PSGs were performed and the demand is increasing. The Royal Hospital For Children is one of just two hospitals in Scotland that offer this service.
In the past, the Foundation has paid for Christmas activities and decorations on the wards, a specialist piece of equipment for the treatment of jaundiced babies, film screenings throughout the month of December in the hospital’s MediCinema, specialised car seats for children with hip casts, a Safe Space bed for children with learning disabilities and more.
Over 173,000 children are treated at Scotland’s largest children’s hospital each year. We are proud to support Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity in ensuring that each baby, child, young person and their family receives the best possible care and experience they deserve.
Find out more about Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity here.