
TRUE BLUE HERO SWIM – Make A Splash For The Foundation!

Fri 31st July 2015

Image of True Blue Hero swim challenge poster

The Rangers Charity Foundation is launching the first of its True Blue Hero challenges for the season – a special swim challenge at the Glasgow Club Bellahouston on Sunday 15 November.    How about making a splash for the Foundation and taking part?!

Supporters over the age of 12 can take on a 50 length, 100 length or team challenge (200 length) – all in support of the Rangers Charity Foundation.  Swimming is a great form of exercise and if you are able to swim competently and are keen to set yourself a personal fitness goal then why not sign up for the TBH Swim.

Our supporters have been going the extra mile for us for many years and this is what enables the Foundation to be such a powerful force for good on behalf of the Rangers Family.  During the 2015-2016 Season, the Rangers Charity Foundation will be organising a range of True Blue Heroes challenges and we hope that more and more supporters will feel inspired and proud to take on a personal challenge for this special cause.

There are three types of entry: 

  • Individual 1.25km (50 lengths of the pool) 
  • Individual 2.5km (100 lengths of the pool) 
  • Team 5km (200 lengths of the pool split between a team of 2, 3 or 4 people )

The Foundation has hired three lanes of the pool at Bellahouston from 10am to 2pm on Sunday 15 November and will operate a “faster” and “slower” lane system so that we can welcome a mixture of swimming abilities to the event.  It’s not about being the best or the fastest but it is about setting yourself a goal and having a great sense of achievement when you push off on that last length of the pool!

If this sounds like a challenge for you or your family or friends you can download a registration form with further details by clicking here or you can contact the Foundation on 0141 580 8775 or by email to   The Registration Fee for the event is just £10 per person.  We’re also happy to answer any queries you may have about taking part in this event.

Remember that every supporter who raises £100 or more in support of the Foundation’s fantastic work will become a True Blue Hero and be invited to a special reception with a first team player to receive a True Blue Hero medal from the Foundation.  Thanks for your support!


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