
Homeless night shelter to stay open for an extra month thanks to Foundation

Fri 1st December 2017

Glasgow City Mission’s night shelter for the homeless has opened for the winter and once again will stay open for an extra month thanks to supporters of the Rangers Charity Foundation.

The Mission, which is one the Foundation’s charity partners, provides emergency shelter for rough sleepers through the coldest months of the year.

Last year, the shelter, based at Lodging House Mission’s premises on East Campbell Street, was used by over 600 people between December 1 and March 31.

Two years ago, supporters of the Foundation raised £70,000 for the shelter – enough to fund an extra month of it for three years – by  taking part in our Big Ibrox Sleepout event.

Grant Campbell, Glasgow City Mission Chief Executive, said: “Rough sleeping continues to be a significant issue.

“Together with our partners we want to provide a safe, warm and welcoming space for those who are forced to sleep rough in the city.”

Doors will open at 10pm every night including Christmas and New Year from December 1st to March 31st 2018.

After a safe night’s sleep in warm surroundings, breakfast is served. Guests are informed of the support services available across the city including Glasgow City Mission’s city centre project, Marie Trust, Lodging House Mission, RSVP and Simon Community Scotland’s London Road drop-in.

Crucially, Glasgow City Mission’s trained staff and volunteers seek to understand the underlying reasons for each person being homeless and connect people to Glasgow Health & Social Care Partnership homeless casework team for a homeless application to be made.

Govan Law Centre will be on hand to challenge accommodation decisions for people where they believe people are entitled to settled accommodation but are being denied this by the local authority.  This year, Glasgow Health & Social Care Partnership welfare rights officers will also be deployed to help night shelter guests ensure they are receiving all that they are entitled to.

Where guests also have health issues that need addressed, staff can refer them to nearby NHS Hunter Street  – a specialist clinic for people affected by homelessness and do not have access to a G.P.

This year supporters are taking part in the Big Ibrox Sleepout to raise money for the Mission’s Housing First scheme.  

The Mission is purchasing 10 flats across the city and will use them to house some of the most vulnerable and hardest to reach people who have been caught up in the destructive cycle of homelessness. The Foundation will raise funds to decorate and furnish these flats via our Big Ibrox Sleep Out events this season.

You can read more about our partnership with Glasgow City Mission here.


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