Football Fans in Training Success
Thu 21st December 2017

Well done to our latest group of Football Fans In Training participants who have done amazingly well on their 12 week course and recently enjoyed a celebration event at the Rangers Football Centre where they met up with some previous FFIT participants.
This recent women’s course was our most successful ever, with every participant losing either weight or inches. Claire Lamb, Karen Pender, Janet Purvis and Jaclyn Waite lost an incredible 27.8 kilos between them.
In the Monday group, John Coleman was able to stop medication for his diabetes thanks to the change in his lifestyle, including doing regular exercise, whilst in the Friday group Allan Jack, Colin Dykes, Derek Russell and Iain Jamieson all lost double figures – a total of 47 kilos between them!
Of the 49 participants across the groups, a total of 269.6 kilos were lost (42 stone 6lbs) and 323.5cm disappeared from waist lines. Well done everyone!
Participant Brian Hendry commented,
“I enjoyed the course 110% and the advice encouragement and professionalism of John and Willie was appreciated by myself and I know the other lads. So thanks for the opportunity for taking part in the course and again thanks to John and Willie.”
Watch out for our new Football Fans in Training courses starting in the New Year, or e-mail the Foundation on to find out more.