Foundation launches new CashBack For Communities initiative
Thu 3rd September 2020
A new and innovative employability programme for people with current or past convictions has been launched by the Rangers Charity Foundation.
Thanks to support from CashBack For Communities, ‘Towards New Futures’ aims to re-engage people who have been involved with the criminal justice system, and help them move towards a more positive future including working, volunteering or further education.
CashBack for Communities is a unique Scottish Government programme which takes funds recovered through the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and invests them into community programmes, facilities and activities largely aimed at diverting young people at risk away from potentially criminal or anti-social behaviour.
The new project will be delivered within Ibrox Stadium and work in partnership with four Scottish prisons and Govan Thriving Place, to target and support a variety of young people aged 16 – 24 from the local area and beyond.
The Foundation team will engage hard to reach individuals using the power of football and provide a fast-moving and individualised programme that will build confidence, motivation and self-esteem. The course aims to give the young people involved the skills and experience they need to re-engage with society and plan for a more positive and constructive future.
Participants will improve their physical and mental health by taking part in accredited fitness and coaching sessions and a mental health first aid course. The initiative includes a variety of formal and industry recognised awards (including utilising the Foundation’s SQA Centre status), vocational work experience and the development of core skills which will greatly enhance their employment prospects and CVs.
Participants will have continued support after completion of the course to help them stay motivated and on track to achieving their goals.
The free eight week programme starts 9th November 2020, across four days per week.
For more information, or to get involved, email